Halloween has been a magical time since childhood, but certainly in adulthood, it entered a new level. We built out Halloween productions in my garage and yard for 12 years as our son was growing up. We became a landmark for travelers and neighbors alike. We had many creative hands work at our house and build out Halloween extravaganza for years and we are grateful and so are our neighbors.

Halloween Productions - Themes:
The Crypt, Alice & Wonderland, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Steam Punk, Under The Sea, Iron Man, Stranger Things,
Production Co: Club JEN Friends
Producers: Jen, Erin, Nate, Kirk, Kurtis
Creative hands: Nate, Erin, Jen, Kirk, Kurt, Brian, Lawrence, Alan, Robert, Carl, Thad, Julia, Ray, Jordan, Todd, Susan, Sullivan, Finn, Tiago, Hart, Jack, Deb, Faramarz, Leila, Keyhan, John S, Jenny, John, Kevin, Jacqueline, Katie, Meghan, Sabin, Joe, Neela, Sammy, Maya, Donna, Rob, Joe, Evie
Client: Neighbors